Vincent O. Aduramigba-Modupe

Africa Centre Director of the International Nitrogen Initiative; and a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Ibadan, Nigeria
Vincent O. Aduramigba-ModupeVincent Aduramigba-Modupe is the Africa Centre Director of the International Nitrogen Initiative; and a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Ibadan, Nigeria. He is a developmental soil scientist, with over 20 years’ experience in integrated soil fertility management, nutrient budgeting and use efficiency, digital soil mapping and systems agronomy; and has published extensively in high impact factor journals. He was a recipient of the Israeli MASHAV, German CIPSEM, Australia ALAF and Chinese NDRC fellowships (among others) which enabled him to acquire specialized skills at the Technische Universitat Dresden - Germany and University of Sydney - Australia.
Vincent has proven experience in managing multidisciplinary teams in various countries in West Africa; and led series of collaborative projects on soil nutrient management. He was the Science Coordinator of the Columbia University/UNDP Millennium Village project in Nigeria. He coordinated the field survey of the sentinel sites of the AfSIS I; and AfSIS II/NiSIS projects on measuring the nutrient status of Nigeria croplands funded by BMGF through Rothamsted Research. He was the Regional Coordinator of the ILWAC project in Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire and Nigeria funded by the Danish Trust Fund through the World Bank and CORAF. He recently co-coordinated a soil mapping and formulation of appropriate cocoa fertilizer project in Nigeria funded by IDH and OCP.
Vincent is presently working on the management and NUE of pro vitamin A (PVA) cassava for enhanced livelihoods in Nigeria; soil mapping and formulation of appropriate oilpalm and tomato specialty fertilizer projects in Nigeria funded by OCP; and zinc biofortification of PVA maize through fertilizer strategy, funded by Harvest Zinc Project. Currently, he is the Nigeria team leader and member of the steering committee of EC approved H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 INSA project involving 15 institutions in Africa and Europe.
Vision: bringing science-led PA management innovations to scale through value chain development within the IAR4D.
1. Gaps in current PA knowledge in Africa;
2. PA Projects;
3. Capacity building;
4. Partnership and sustainability;
5. PA Product development and impacts