African Conference on Precision Agriculture (AfCPA) Presentation

A review on Sensor based robotics agriculture: Improving traditional Agriculture Practices

Agribot could be a mechanism designed to reduce the labor of farmers by increasing the speed and accuracy of the work. Elementary functions concerned in farming i.e. plowing the sphere, sowing of seeds and covering the seeds with soil. Agribot is associate degree autonomous mechanism that provides the power for choices for offered techniques. Fruit Picker robots, autonomous tractor sprayers, this type of technology replaces labor by humans. Horticultural tasks such as pruning, weeding, spraying and observance even is done by Agribot. ethereal applications are relieved with the assistance of robots. Weed detection and malady detection even be worn out any crops. In addition the insights received by this application recover the diseases on plants. The popularity of malady and different kinds of input wants sensors. To extend accuracy and automatize manual tasks, like weed or bracken spraying needs sensors. In this paper this paper we giving review about sensors used in weeding application, Sensors used in Insect and Disease detection,  Sensors used in spraying application and sensor used in harvesting application. We are discussing each application in terms of variety of crops and types of sensors used.


Sachin Karad

Senior Research Fellow (Instrument Cell)

Researcher and Academician who have 10+ years of experience at prestigious Academic and Research institutions. He has experience in image processing and sensors. His skills and interest include R, Python, and codes. He as intrest in data driven agriculture.