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AfPCA Proceedings 2024


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Nyagumbo, I
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Mutsamba-Magwaza, E
Nyamayevu, D
Nyamadzawo, G
Mandumbu, R
Nyagumbo, I
Nyamayevu, D
Nyagumbo, I
Liang , W
Li , R
Water Management for Precision Agriculture
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Rainwater Harvesting and Nutrient Intensification in Maize-Legume Farming Systems in Semi-Arid Zimbabwe

Agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe is declining mainly due to climate change and inherently poor soil fertility. The situation is worsened by the high cost of fertilizers beyond the reach of many smallholder farmers. In response to these challenges, most smallholder farmers are implementing either rainwater harvesting (RWH) or integrated soil fertility management (ISFM). This study sought to investigate the role of integrating the tied-contour RWH (TC-RWH) technique and ISFM on soil moisture,... E. Mutsamba-magwaza, D. Nyamayevu, G. Nyamadzawo, R. Mandumbu, I. Nyagumbo

2. Optimizing Maize Production Through Minimum Tillage in Conservation Agriculture Systems: Evidence from Malawi's Lowlands

Sustainable intensification in agricultural systems has been implemented and promoted across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) as a strategy for addressing low crop productivity often resulting in widespread food and nutritional insecurity. This study sought to assess the productivity potential of conservation agriculture (CA) cropping systems and associated crop establishment techniques in terms of grain, protein and energy yield. An on-station trial was implemented at Chitala Research Station in Malawi... D. Nyamayevu, I. Nyagumbo, W. Liang , R. Li