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AfPCA Proceedings 2024


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1G. HOUESSOU, 1O. LINKPON, 2D. Tchokponhoué, 3C. Houdegbe, 4C. ADJE, 5K. Frimpong, 1V. FASSINOU HOTEGNI, 7A. Karangwa, 8A. Manyatsi, 9M. Amri, 10D. Cammarano, 11C. Lesueur, 12J. Taylor, 13S. Phillips, 14E. G. Achigan-Dako
1. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi
2. Laboratory of Genetics Horticulture
3. University of KwaZulu-Natal
4. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
5. University of Cape Coast
6. University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC)
7. School of Agriculture & Food Sciences at the College of Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Rwanda
8. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Eswatini
9. University of Mohamed VI polytechnic (UM6P), Morocco,
10. Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University Tjele, Denmark
11. Institut Agro Montpellier, France
13. APNI
14. Unit of Genetics, Biotechnology and Seed Sciences, Laboratory of Crop Production, Physiology and Plant Breeding (PAGEV), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FSA), University of Abomey Calavi (UAC) Benin
G. Houessou    O. Linkpon    D. Tchokponhoué    C. Houdegbe    C. Adje    K. Frimpong    V. Fassinou hotegni    A. Karangwa    A. Manyatsi    M. Amri    D. Cammarano    C. Lesueur    J. Taylor    S. Phillips    E. G. Achigan-dako