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1. A Multi-scale Evaluation of Precision Weed Control Strategies in Corn Fields with Drone TechnologyCorn (Zea mays L.) is a worldwide priority crop, whose potential yields are closely affected by weed competence, especially in the early stages of crop development. A major concern in corn-growing areas is the occurrence of Sorghum halepense L., as this weed shows reduced sensitivity to pre-emergence herbicides and, therefore, it is necessary to use post-emergence treatments that entail an increase in cost. This research studied the impact of applying a precision weed (S... J. Peña, A. De castro |
2. Virtual Agronomist - Getting Soil Information and Agronomic Advice into Farmers’ HandsPrecision agronomic advice tailored to individual farm field characteristics and farmer circumstances is currently unavailable to smallholder farmers in Africa. Virtual Agronomist aims to fill this gap by providing scalable agronomic advisory for African agribusinesses working with smallholder farmers. This is a scientifically based mobile phone app that is simple enough to be used with minimal training by field agents. It is designed to help farmers better meet their production and profit ob... K. Shepherd |
3. Precision Farming and Automation in Africa: Challenges and OpportunitiesDigitalization, artificial intelligence, robotics and automation are currently driving a new revolution towards precision farming (PF) and Agriculture 4.0. This will contribute to enhanced sustainability and agroecological advances through optimal use of soil, water, agricultural inputs, as well as pest and weed control, providing accurate decision support systems to farmers. PF is gradually transforming agricultural landscape by supporting farmers with optimized management of inputs and reso... R. Serraj |
4. Driving Up Large Scale Irrigated Wheat Yields Through Variable Rate P & K Fertilizer Recommendations in ZambiaSoil types and how these change across a field/farm are the main drivers of yield. Through the surveying of the fields and their subsequent subdivision (virtual) into homogenous zones, Cropnuts has been able to carry out yearly soil sampling within each zone and generate soil correction plans to target the needs of each individual zone rather than applying blanket recommendations. This has led to improved fertilizer efficiency and has had a massive impact on yields of our clients. ... J. Parigiani |
5. Decentralized Research: an Opportunity to Accelerate the Transition Towards Sustainable Food ProductionThe large majority of farmers experiment on their farms to invent and/or adopt new crop production techniques and technologies. This endogenous experimentation process is slow because it often resembles trial and error and relies on minimal data (e.g., comparing total yield between two fields) to draw conclusions. Digital agronomy can help enhance the scientific value of these experiments and thus enable systematic progress toward working solutions. This presentation will discuss the use... L. Longchamps |
6. How 20 Years of Precision Agriculture Experience Can Benefit Small LandholdersMost people think only larger farms can benefit from incorporating precision agriculture technologies, when the bigger impact happens with smaller farms. A ten percent increase in crop yield is much more impactful for small land holders for various reasons based upon 20 years’ experience, research, and personal utilization. Incorporating remote sensing, drones, small autonomous robots, and other technologies and practices can help small holders increase yield, crop quality, and free up ... R. Blair |
7. Decision-Making Tools in Soil Management and Plant Nutrition On-Farm Research and Observation Plot: Between Reality and ChallengesIn this presentation, we will address a number of decision-making tools and assess their relevance and limitations for the Mediterranean and Tunisia's agricultural conditions. Decision-making tools can be classified, based on the scale, to different levels, ranging from national and regional scale to farm scale. On a large scale, an agricultural policy can be drawn based on the governmental agricultural plans, and soil maps can be adopted as a decision-making tool and thus guide support i... M. Mechri |
8. Phosphorus, a Key Nutrient for a Sustainable AgricultureIn the presentation I will discuss about the dichotomy regarding P between the northern (temperate conditions) and southern (tropical conditions) realities. I will bring the case of Brazil and how the correct management of P was important for the development of its agriculture. At the end, I will close talking about how we need to shift our focus towards improving P use efficiency to solve our issues (both where it is lacking and where it is in excess) and the way to achieve it. ... L. Vergutz |
9. Precision Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation of Food Systems in Africa... A. Bouraqqadi |
10. 4Rs As an Entry Point for Precision Agriculture in Smallholder Farming Systems of AfricaThis presentation will showcase how adoption of the principles of 4R Nutrient Stewardship (Applying nutrients from the Right Source, at the Right Rate, at the Right Time, and in the Right Place) provides a feasible entry point for the integration of Precision Agriculture in Smallholder Farming Systems of Africa. ... S. Njoroge |
11. Together, Let's Make Africa the Epicenter of a Sustainable Transformation of Food Systems... P. Bwire |
12. GNSS and SBAS Technologies for Precision Agriculture in AfricaThis presentation will highlight the various applications in the Agriculture sectors, their performance requirements, and the relevant Global Navigation Satellite System technologies (GNSS) that can meet these requirements. It will focus specifically on Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) and Europe’s Galileo High Accuracy Service as upcoming systems in Africa that the Agriculture user communities are encouraged to leverage. ... A. Kobusinge |
13. Improving Lime and Fertiliser Recommendations for Smallholders Using Co-variate Zoning and Low Cost Mir Soil Testing TechnologySmall-holder farmers lack for them affordable access to crop and field specific lime and fertilisation advice. Another challenge is that while crop and region specific fertiliser blends could be produced, high resolution, unbiased and up to date soil information is lacking and thus crop and region specific blends are not produced. As a result, the farmers are left with a small number of available compound and fertiliser blends that often do not match the crop needs. This is not a convincing s... T. Terhoeven-urselmans |
14. Presentation from Otini Mpinganjira... O. Mpinganjira |
15. Scalling Ag Technologies to Unlock Value for Agriculture in Africa - Insights from UM6P-al Moutmir Case in MoroccoCompletely aligned with the mission of Africa Ag conference to “connect the science and practice needed to put precision agriculture in action for Africa”, UM6P, through its farming development initiative Al Moutmir in Morocco, works hand in hand with all the Ag players to scale innovative solutions to unlock Africa value through responsible technologies. We believe African agriculture is at a transformational moment in its history and a time of incredible po... N. Roudies |
16. Farmer-led Approaches to Digital InnovationDigital agricultural innovation has significant potential to transform the ability of smallholder farmers to engage with and benefit fro precision agriculture. Despite this, the benefits of digital agricultural technologies remain largely inaccessible to most of these smallholder farmers. This presentation will share updates and lessons learnt from Producers Direct’s experiences in designing and scaling farmer-led approaches to digital agricultural innovation. ... C. Rhodes |
17. Agricultural Data Market to Empower African FarmersBy transforming the agricultural data into agronomic advices by using AI model, farmer can get a strong tool to help them making the right decision in the right time. Decision about the quantity and the quality of fertilizer to apply, the quantity and the timing of the irrigation,… Also he can get valuable information about yield prediction, phytosanitary risk. All of this information can help famers reducing its operational cost by up to 30%. To develop robust AI model,... F. Sehbaoui |
18. IA Algorithm for Plant Counting: Palm Oil Trees ExampleCounting and estimating plants can sometimes be a real challenge. In this presentation we will see a concrete example of the application of UAV imagery and AI applied to palm cultivation in order to count the plants on a given area. ... A. Karim |
19. Presentation from ML Jat... M. Jat |
20. Post-Harvest Assessments of On-Farm Maize ExperimentationThe completion of the most recent maize-growing seasons in northern Cote d’Ivoire and Kenya (western and eastern regions) provided a first opportunity for farmers to share assessments from their participation in a new on-farm research initiative for sub-Saharan Africa called NUTCAT - meaning Nutrient-Catalyzed Agricultural Transformation. ... I. Adolwa |